The title of Doctor Honoris Causa IMI-NOVA is awarded to personalities in the fields of education and research whose work is appreciated and recognized at European or world level.
The candidate fulfills one or more of the following criteria:
1) is a member of a prestigious national or international academy;
2) is Doctor Honoris Causa of other renowned universities in his/her country or abroad;
3) has contributed to the development of academic and/or scientific links between his/her country and Moldova.
1. Ivan SAMSON, doctor, profesor Universitatea Pierre Mendès France din Grenoble, Franța – 23.04.2001
2. Alessandro FIGUS, doctor, profesor Universitatea din Genova, Italia (Università degli studi di Genova) – 20.04.2005
3. Michel AUDOUSSET, doctor, profesor, Universitatea Paris XI, Franța – 02.09.2008
4. Gheorghe BICHICEAN, doctor, profesor, rector, Universitatea Româno-Germană din Sibiu, România – 25.04.2014
5. Nicolae ILIAȘ, doctor, profesor, fost rector al Universității din Petroșani, România – 25.04.2014
6. Sorin Mihai RADU, doctor, profesor, rector Universitatea Petroșani, România – 18.05.2018
7. George BALAN, doctor, profesor, Prorector al Universităţii Româno-Germane din Sibiu, România – 23.04.2019
Valentin RAILEAN, doctor habilitat, profesor universitar, rector, Institutul Internațional de Management „IMI-NOVA”:
1. DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA Universitatea Româno-Germană, Sibiu, România – 24.11.2013
2. DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA Universitatea Petroșani, România – 11.10.2018