Short history

History: The International Institute of Management (initially - IMI) was created on April 26, 1995 on the basis of a project funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova with the legal status of Public Association.

As founding members of IMI in 1995 were the following legal entities: State University of Moldova, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Pierre MENDES FRANCE University (Grenoble, France), Victoriabank S.A., Bucuria S.A. As a result of reorganizations and adaptations to the provisions of the existing legislation, IMI became in 2005 - the International Institute of Management "IMI-NOVA", the main purpose of which is the training, upgrading and retraining at the higher level of specialists and scientific staff in various fields, promoting scientific research, ensuring the aspirations of the staff to deepen and expand their studies.

Study programs: According to the License Series A MMII, No. 020070, IMI-NOVA is authorized to organize the training process in cycle I - higher studies of Bachelor's degree in the specialties / specializations: Business and Administration; Marketing and Logistics; World Economics and REI; Finance and Banking; Accounting; General Economics; Statistics and Economic Forecasting; Cybernetics and Economic Informatics; Merceology and Trade; Services; Tourism; Law; Information Management; Political Science; International Relations and Communication Sciences, and in the cycle II - Master's higher studies - in the specializations: Banking and Finance; Accounting; Business Administration; Business Administration; Communication and Public Relations.

Accreditation: The IMI-NOVA was institutionally accredited on May 27, 2003 with the specialties: Management, Marketing, REI, Finance, Banking and Stock Exchange; on March 30, 2006 with the specialties: Accounting and Auditing, Law, Tourism; on August 29, 2008 with the specialties: Management, Marketing, REI, Finance, Banking and Stock Exchanges; on November 20, 2018 the specialty Accounting was accredited. On April 16, 2021 the specialty Business and Management was internationally accredited by the Independent Agency For Accreditation And Rating (IAAR), Kazakhstan.

International relations
The development of international collaboration is one of the pillars of IMI-NOVA's educational concept, which was elaborated with the founding of the Institute (1995) by a team of academics from France and Moldova.
During its 25 years of activity IMI-NOVA has signed more than 20 Collaboration Agreements with Universities and organizations abroad and has practiced various forms of internationalization.
The students of the Institute have benefited from lectures, case studies, conferences organized by professors from the Universities of Paris XI, North Carolina, Kelle (UK), Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, University degli studi di Trieste etc. and the Peace Corps.
An important place in the international activity of IMI-NOVA is occupied by the organization of "Double Diploma" programs. It started with the launch of the collaboration with the University of Keele (England) and the joint organization of the MBA program in the framework of a project funded by the British Council. And from the 2000-2001 academic year, the Institute started the Double Diploma Programme, organized on the basis of the Collaboration Agreement with the University of Amsterdam (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) and funded by the Dutch Government. The aim of the program was to organize distance learning with a possibility for IMI-NOVA students to obtain a European Diploma in addition to the Bachelor's Degree of Moldova.
The "Double Diploma" program, organized on the basis of the Collaboration Agreement with Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, started in 2008 and continues today and has already been completed by 21 IMI-NOVA students.
In the period 2012-2015 IMI-NOVA participated in the realization of the TEMPUS- EUNEG project together with colleagues from 12 Universities from 7 countries. The teaching staff participated in the development of CURRICULUM and SYLLABUSES, organized workshops and the final conference in Maribor, Slovenia.

Since the academic year 2016 IMI-NOVA is part of several ERASMUS+ programs:
1. 2016-2018 -ERASMUS+ project with Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia.
2. 2019-2020 - ERASMUS + Project with the University of Genoa, Italy (the mobility planned for May 2020 is postponed, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, to the academic year 2029-2021).
3. 2019-2020- ERASMUS+ Project with Insubria University of Varese, Italy (mobility planned for 2020 is postponed, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, to the academic year 2029-2021).
4. 2021-2022 - ERASMUS+ Project with the Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy
5. 2022-2023 - ERASMUS+ Project with the University of Petrosani, Romania.
6. 2023-2024 - ERASMUS+ Project with the University of Social and Medical Sciences of Lublin, Poland.
7. 2023-2024 - ERASMUS+ Project with the University of Genoa, Italy.