Rector's message

During the more than 25 years (since 1995) since its founding, IMI-NOVA focuses its efforts both on training and professional preparation in the field of Economics, adapted to the demands of the day and the labour market, but also on the assimilation of practical skills related to personal development.

Our first priority is the students. Our entire academic endeavour is centred on providing students with exceptional integrative educational experiences to harness their potential in a future career and develop sound characters.

Thus, all our efforts are directed towards fully satisfying the needs of our students, by constantly adapting the curricular content to the developments in the field and the requirements of employers, carrying out extra-curricular activities, using the experience of foreign partners in organizing the learning process, participating in various international projects, including ERASMUS+ etc.

A second priority is the development of collaborative relations with other higher education institutions in different countries, which have valuable traditions in the field of economic studies. Over the years these relations have materialized through the organization of distance studies within the framework of the "Double Diploma" Programme (since 1999 - with the University of Amsterdam and since 2008 - with the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis), as well as the development and defence of PhD theses in co-tutoring with the University Pierre Mendès France in Grenoble, all of which are pioneering activities in Moldova.

Today we are entering a new academic year. I wish our students, master students and teachers strength, patience, perseverance and self-confidence. We have already proved that we want, know and can deliver quality education even in the face of pandemic restrictions. We just need to find the resources to continue on this path.

Furthermore, I highly recommend all those who want a successful career to join the IMI-NOVA university community.

Thank you!